Roundabout – Jadranska Avenue i Dubrovnik Avenue

Project description

“The project “Reconstruction of the intersection between the Jadranska Avenue and Dubrovnik Avenue – rounabout Remetinec” includes a thorough reconstruction consisting of the construction of a subway on the Jadranska Avenue/Dubrovnik Avenue, supplying traffic signalling of a new traffic solution, displacement and construction of a new optical distribution network, water utility infrastructure, gas pipelines, public lighting and landscape design. The reconstruction also covers the tram track.

The special phase of this project was the construction of two road subpasses – a tunnel with two lanes each ensuring continuity of traffic east-west (Jadranska Avenue)
– Dubrovnik Avenue), which was also the most demanding activity of this project due to the need for construction pit with width of approximately 40 m, depth of about 8 m (in the pumping station area the depth is 11,5 m) during their construction. This size demanded the need to protect excavations by performing two vertical reinforced-concrete diaphragms restrained by one or two rows of geo-technical anchorages in the north and south and two clay-concrete in the east and west under the depth line of the excavation of the construction pit approx. 8-10 m (2 m in the clay layer), which eliminated the seepage of groundwater in the pit.”


Grad Zagreb

Financial value

244,3 mil. HRK / 32,6 mil. EUR